Postcard from Thailand: ‘Thai people are the kindest in the world’

September 30, 2024

Postcard from Thailand The smiling eyes of a Bangkok taxi driver Image by David Gillbanks (CC BY 4.0)
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Thai­l­and is kind of a second home for me. I have been vis­it­ing the coun­try for more than 40 years.

Although Thai­l­and receives so many tour­ists every year, I real­ise that most vis­it­ors have no clue about the etiquette and way of life of the Thai. This is a shame because they miss the essence of Thai culture. 

Sadly, in the over­run tour­ist traps of the coun­try, the fine Thai cul­ture has been pushed away to accom­mod­ate vis­it­ors’ bad behaviour. 

If you learn the real Thai cul­ture — open your mind and do not judge — a magic­al world will open. Avoid the tour­ist traps, and you will exper­i­ence a very soph­ist­ic­ated culture.

crins rieki dr sq 300

The inside track

Dr Rieki Crins is the founder of the Learn­ing Exchange Found­a­tion, The Neth­er­lands, and of the Bong­de Insti­tute of Hos­pit­al­ity and Tour­ism, Bhutan.

Even in Bangkok. 

When I buy a juice on the street, the seller will ask me if I want to drink it imme­di­ately. If I say “yes”, he will take a bottle out of the ice­box, wipe it dry, open it, and put a straw in it in such a way that I can dir­ect it to my mouth without any effort.

Once I took a taxi and became naus­eated. I had to throw up. I asked the driver to pull over. When I was out of the car and doing my thing, the driver also got out to make sure I was fine and offered to mas­sage my head with a balm. I could not believe it. 

I have very old Thai friends who always make time to see me when I am in Thai­l­and. They invite us for lunch or din­ner, and they are so generous. 

To me the Thai people are the kind­est in the world. But for west­ern tour­ists it would be good to learn some Thai etiquette or do’s and don’ts before you travel. 

The Thai will be so happy if you show them respect.

Where is this?

The fea­tured image of the smil­ing eyes of a taxi driver was taken in Bangkok, Thai­l­and by “GT” pub­lish­er Dav­id Gillbanks.

Where next?

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