“GT” Travel in South America

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in South Amer­ica (scroll down for posts), from Colom­bia and Venezuela in the north to Argen­tina and Chile in the south, Ecuador and Peru in the west to Brazil in the east. Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case South Amer­ica’s good, bet­ter, best.

South Amer­ica is a vibrant and diverse con­tin­ent that offers a range of unique exper­i­ences to good trav­el­lers. Here are some reas­ons why you should con­sider trav­el­ing to South America:

  • Nat­ur­al won­ders: South Amer­ica is home to some of the world’s most awe-inspir­ing nat­ur­al won­ders, includ­ing the Amazon rain­forest, the Andes Moun­tains, the Galapa­gos Islands, and the Iguazu Falls. These des­tin­a­tions offer unpar­alleled oppor­tun­it­ies for nature lov­ers and adven­tur­ers alike.
  • Cul­ture and his­tory: South Amer­ica has a rich and diverse cul­ture and his­tory, with indi­gen­ous peoples, colo­ni­al legacies, and mod­ern­ity all influ­en­tial. Vis­it­ors can learn about the ancient Inca civil­isa­tion in Peru, explore the col­our­ful colo­ni­al cit­ies of Bolivia and Colom­bia, or exper­i­ence the vibrant music and dance scene in Brazil and Argentina.
  • Food and drink: South Amer­ica has a rich and diverse culin­ary scene, with unique fla­vours and ingredi­ents that vary from coun­try to coun­try. Vis­it­ors can taste tra­di­tion­al dishes like ceviche in Peru, empanadas in Argen­tina, or fei­joada in Brazil, as well as enjoy the region’s fam­ous wines and spirits.
  • Adven­ture activ­it­ies: South Amer­ica is a hub for adven­ture activ­it­ies, from trekking and moun­tain­eer­ing to surf­ing and raft­ing. Vis­it­ors can hike to Machu Pic­chu in Peru, climb to the top of Acon­cagua in Argen­tina, or surf the waves in Brazil.
  • Fest­ivals and cel­eb­ra­tions: South Amer­ica’s vibrant and col­our­ful fest­ivals and cel­eb­ra­tions, from the Car­ni­val in Brazil to the Inti Raymi fest­iv­al in Peru, all offer a unique glimpse into the loc­al cul­ture and traditions.
  • Warm and wel­com­ing people: South Amer­ic­ans are known for their warm and wel­com­ing nature, mak­ing it easy for trav­el­lers to feel at home and con­nect with locals.

Over­all, South Amer­ica is a fas­cin­at­ing and diverse con­tin­ent that offers a range of unique exper­i­ences to good trav­el­lers. Nat­ur­al won­ders, cul­tur­al exper­i­ences, adven­ture activ­it­ies, deli­cious food, and more, South Amer­ica has it all.

Planning a trip to Colombia? Here’s why you should visit the coffee region

September 29, 2022

The wax palms of Cocora Valley in the Colombian Andes. Image by Makalu (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/colombia-palm-trees-3631740/

The vari­ous regions of Colom­bia are vastly dif­fer­ent from each oth­er.  Trav­el­lers look­ing to avoid ‘over­tour­ism’ and embrace ‘authen­ti­city’ should con­sider explor­ing the nation’s cof­fee-grow­ing region in the Andes Moun­tains.  Dur­ing my two and a half weeks in Colom­bia, August 2022, I vis­ited that region, as well as the cit­ies of Medel­lin and Cart­agena.  Here are […]

Read More Planning a trip to Colombia? Here’s why you should visit the coffee region

Immersed in the Amazon

June 16, 2021

Manati Lodge on the Rio Negro, Brazil. Pic (cc) Angelo Sciacca.

Exper­i­en­tial tour­ism allows people to act­ively and mean­ing­fully engage with a place’s his­tory, people, cul­ture, food, and envir­on­ment.  I recently jour­neyed to the Brazili­an Amazon and exper­i­enced three days immersed in the envir­on­ment and cul­ture with the help of Wel­ling­ton, my inter­pret­ive guide.  I hope this blog post inspires oth­ers to take sim­il­ar exper­i­en­tial jour­neys. I […]

Read More Immersed in the Amazon