“GT” Travel in Colombia

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in Colom­bia (scroll down for posts). Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case the South Amer­ic­an nation’s good, bet­ter, best.

Colom­bia is a vibrant and diverse coun­try loc­ated in South Amer­ica, known for its stun­ning nat­ur­al beauty, rich cul­ture, and warm and wel­com­ing people. Here are some reas­ons why you should con­sider trav­el­ling to Colombia:

  • Nat­ur­al won­ders: Colom­bia is home to a vast array of nat­ur­al won­ders, includ­ing the Andes moun­tains, the Amazon rain­forest, and the stun­ning Carib­bean and Pacific coast­lines. Vis­it­ors can explore the coun­try’s diverse land­scapes, spot exot­ic wild­life, and mar­vel at the stun­ning water­falls and landscapes.
  • Cul­ture and his­tory: Colom­bia has a rich and fas­cin­at­ing his­tory, with a unique blend of indi­gen­ous, European, and Afric­an cul­tures. Vis­it­ors can learn about the coun­try’s colo­ni­al past, exper­i­ence the vibrant music and dance scene, and vis­it cul­tur­al land­marks such as the Gold Museum in Bogota.
  • Food and drink: Colom­bi­an cuisine is diverse and fla­vour­ful, with influ­ences from Span­ish, Afric­an, and indi­gen­ous cul­tures. Vis­it­ors can savour tra­di­tion­al dishes such as bandeja paisa, san­c­ocho, and are­pas, as well as enjoy the coun­try’s fam­ous cof­fee and aguardi­ente.
  • Adven­ture activ­it­ies: Colom­bia is a hub for adven­ture activ­it­ies, with options such as hik­ing, paraglid­ing, and raft­ing. Vis­it­ors can trek through the Andes moun­tains, explore the under­ground rivers in San Agustin, or surf the Carib­bean coast.
  • Beaches: Colom­bia boasts some of the most beau­ti­ful beaches in South Amer­ica, with the Carib­bean coast offer­ing white sand beaches and crys­tal-clear waters. Vis­it­ors can relax on the beaches of Cart­agena, explore the Tayrona Nation­al Park, or go island hop­ping in the Ros­ar­io Islands. The trop­ic­al cli­mate also makes Colom­bia a year-round des­tin­a­tion, with warm tem­per­at­ures and plenty of sunshine.
  • Wel­com­ing people: Colom­bi­ans are known for their warm and wel­com­ing nature, mak­ing it easy for vis­it­ors to feel at home in the coun­try. The people are proud of their cul­ture and eager to share it with visitors.

Over­all, Colom­bia offers a unique blend of nat­ur­al won­ders, cul­tur­al exper­i­ences, and adven­ture activ­it­ies, mak­ing it a must-vis­it des­tin­a­tion for good trav­el­lers. Wheth­er you’re look­ing to explore the coun­try’s diverse land­scapes, exper­i­ence the vibrant cul­ture, or simply relax on a beau­ti­ful beach, Colom­bia has some­thing for everyone.

Planning a trip to Colombia? Here’s why you should visit the coffee region

September 29, 2022

The wax palms of Cocora Valley in the Colombian Andes. Image by Makalu (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/colombia-palm-trees-3631740/

The vari­ous regions of Colom­bia are vastly dif­fer­ent from each oth­er.  Trav­el­lers look­ing to avoid ‘over­tour­ism’ and embrace ‘authen­ti­city’ should con­sider explor­ing the nation’s cof­fee-grow­ing region in the Andes Moun­tains.  Dur­ing my two and a half weeks in Colom­bia, August 2022, I vis­ited that region, as well as the cit­ies of Medel­lin and Cart­agena.  Here are […]

Read More Planning a trip to Colombia? Here’s why you should visit the coffee region