“GT” Travel in Africa

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in Africa (scroll down for posts), from Tunisia in the north to South Africa in the south, Cape Verde in the west to Maur­i­ti­us and Seychelles in the east. Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case Africa’s good, bet­ter, best.

There are many reas­ons to travel to Africa, the second-largest con­tin­ent in the world, with over 50 coun­tries and count­less cul­tures and land­scapes. Here are just a few reas­ons to consider:

  • Wild­life and nature: Africa is home to some of the world’s most icon­ic wild­life, from ele­phants and lions to gir­affes and gor­il­las. The con­tin­ent also boasts diverse land­scapes, from the savan­nas of East Africa to the deserts of the Saha­ra and the rain­forests of the Congo. This provides unique oppor­tun­it­ies to go on safar­is, spot rare anim­als, and explore stun­ning nat­ur­al settings.
  • Cul­tur­al rich­ness: Africa has a rich and diverse cul­tur­al her­it­age, with over 1,000 lan­guages spoken and count­less tra­di­tions and cus­toms. From the Maa­sai tribes of Kenya to the Mbuti people of the Congo, each cul­ture is unique and fas­cin­at­ing to discover.
  • His­tory and her­it­age: Africa is home to many his­tor­ic sites, includ­ing the pyr­am­ids of Egypt, the ruins of Great Zim­b­ab­we, and the rock-hewn churches of Lali­bela in Ethiopia. Vis­it­ing these sites can provide insight into the con­tin­ent’s past and the civil­isa­tions that once thrived there.
  • Adven­ture and explor­a­tion: Africa is a vast and var­ied con­tin­ent, offer­ing many oppor­tun­it­ies for adven­ture and explor­a­tion. From climb­ing Mount Kili­man­jaro in Tan­zania, surf­ing in Morocco, and trekking with gor­il­las in Rwanda and Uganda, there are count­less ways to push your lim­its and chal­lenge yourself.
  • Com­munity engage­ment: Many Afric­an coun­tries offer oppor­tun­it­ies for com­munity engage­ment, allow­ing trav­el­lers to volun­teer, sup­port loc­al ini­ti­at­ives, and learn about devel­op­ment efforts. This can be a reward­ing and mean­ing­ful way to make a pos­it­ive impact while travelling.
  • Food and drink: Afric­an cuisine is diverse and deli­cious, with unique fla­vours and ingredi­ents that vary from region to region. From the tagines of Morocco to the jol­lof rice of West Africa to the injera and stews of Ethiopia, there are many culin­ary delights to discover.

Over­all, Africa offers a wealth of exper­i­ences and oppor­tun­it­ies for good trav­el­lers. Wheth­er you’re inter­ested in wild­life, cul­ture, his­tory, adven­ture, or com­munity engage­ment, there is some­thing for every­one to dis­cov­er on this vibrant and fas­cin­at­ing continent.

Postcard from Rwanda: Ubumuntu

September 1, 2023

Postcard from Rwanda: Ubumuntu

The Kigali Gen­o­cide Memori­al is … … affect­ing. Today was the first day of a 10-day famil­i­ar­isa­tion tour of the coun­try hos­ted by the Rwanda Devel­op­ment Board (RDB). I am in Rwanda at the invit­a­tion of RDB, as well as “GT” Part­ners Red Rocks Rwanda and Red Rocks Ini­ti­at­ive for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment. I will try to reg­u­larly post travel impressions […]

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Postcard from Rwanda: A banana beer moment

August 26, 2023
One Comment

Red Rocks Cultural Festival 2023 at the Red Rocks Cultural Center, Musanze, Rwanda

The Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Fest­iv­al is a very relaxed affair. There are no mad­ding crowds nor tour guide flags to make you feel like you’re part of a machine. Over the five days of the Fest­iv­al, there are sched­uled activ­it­ies that are free to join.  Or you can show up at Red Rocks Cul­tur­al Cen­ter independently, […]

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Postcard from Rwanda: First impressions

August 25, 2023

Postcard from Rwanda ... Emma Raissa ISHEJA, Community Guide, Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development Rwanda with an artwork by Ken

It’s tidy. Singa­­pore-level spot­less. Com­munit­ies get togeth­er on the last Sat­urday of every month to pick up rub­bish. Even the pop­u­lar Pres­id­ent, Paul Kagame, joins in when he can, I’m told. As do oth­er lead­ers. I arrived on the Thursday before the last Sat­urday in August and there seemed to be very little to pick up. […]

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Sierra Leone changed my life

May 19, 2021

Waterfront view Freetown, Sierra Leone. (c) Meghan L Muldoon

Sierra Leone changed my life. It was 2011. My friend Su was work­ing in Free­town. Christina, Heath­er, and I decided to vis­it her in Novem­ber of that year.  Novem­ber is the worst month to live in Van­couver. Being pretty broke at the time, we took a bus down to the air­port in Seattle — flights are cheap­er in the […]

Read More Sierra Leone changed my life

Off-peak Tanzania: Go for wildlife, go again for people

May 14, 2021

Datoga tribeswomen of Tanzania and the fourth bride

When you think of Tan­zania, massive ele­phants, beau­ti­ful lions, and migrat­ing herds of zebra and wilde­beest usu­ally come to mind. And with good reas­on. This coun­try has some of the most incred­ible wild­life on the plan­et. From the Ser­en­geti to the Ngoron­goro Crater, there are so many stun­ning land­scapes in which to wit­ness these impressive […]

Read More Off-peak Tanzania: Go for wildlife, go again for people