“GT” Travel in Tanzania

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in Tan­zania (scroll down for posts). Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case Tanzania’s good, bet­ter, best.

Tan­zania is a stun­ning East Afric­an coun­try known for its incred­ible wild­life, breath­tak­ing land­scapes, and vibrant cul­ture. Here are some reas­ons why you should con­sider trav­el­ling to Tanzania:

  • Ser­en­geti Nation­al Park: One of Tan­zani­a’s most fam­ous des­tin­a­tions, the Ser­en­geti Nation­al Park is home to the “Great Migra­tion” in which mil­lions of wilde­beest, zebras, and gazelles cross the plains in search of fresh graz­ing land. Vis­it­ors can also spot the “Big Five” (lions, ele­phants, leo­pards, rhi­nos, and buf­falos) on safari tours.
  • Mount Kili­man­jaro: Tan­zania is home to Mount Kili­man­jaro, the highest moun­tain in Africa and one of the most icon­ic peaks in the world. Climb­ing Kili­man­jaro is a once-in-a-life­time adven­ture that requires no tech­nic­al skills or equip­ment, mak­ing it access­ible to most people.
  • Zan­zib­ar: Tan­zani­a’s trop­ic­al para­dise, Zan­zib­ar is a beau­ti­ful island off the coast of East Africa. Vis­it­ors can enjoy pristine beaches, crys­tal-clear waters, and unique cul­tur­al exper­i­ences in Stone Town, a UNESCO World Her­it­age site.
  • Cul­tur­al diversity: Tan­zania is home to over 120 eth­nic groups, each with its own unique lan­guage, cul­ture, and tra­di­tions. Vis­it­ors can learn about the Maa­sai people, known for their vibrant cloth­ing and jew­ellery, or the Chaga people, who grow cof­fee and bana­nas on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro.
  • Deli­cious cuisine: Tan­zani­a’s cuisine is a blend of Afric­an, Indi­an, and Middle East­ern influ­ences, with dishes such as ugali (maize meal), nyama choma (grilled meat), and pilau (spiced rice). Vis­it­ors can also enjoy trop­ic­al fruits such as man­goes, pine­apples, and papayas.
  • Friendly people: Tan­zani­ans are known for their warmth and hos­pit­al­ity, and vis­it­ors can expect to be greeted with smiles and open arms. Tan­zani­ans are also proud of their coun­try’s wild­life and nat­ur­al beauty and are eager to share it with visitors.

Over­all, Tan­zania is a des­tin­a­tion that offers some­thing for every­one, from adven­ture seekers and nature lov­ers to those inter­ested in cul­tur­al exper­i­ences and deli­cious cuisine. With its diverse attrac­tions and friendly people, Tan­zania is an unfor­get­tably good travel destination.

Off-peak Tanzania: Go for wildlife, go again for people

May 14, 2021

Datoga tribeswomen of Tanzania and the fourth bride

When you think of Tan­zania, massive ele­phants, beau­ti­ful lions, and migrat­ing herds of zebra and wilde­beest usu­ally come to mind. And with good reas­on. This coun­try has some of the most incred­ible wild­life on the plan­et. From the Ser­en­geti to the Ngoron­goro Crater, there are so many stun­ning land­scapes in which to wit­ness these impressive […]

Read More Off-peak Tanzania: Go for wildlife, go again for people