“GT” Accommodation

Here are all the “GT” Travel posts that dis­cuss any place that would accom­mod­ate a tour­ist or trav­el­ler. That might be a hotel, resort, homestay, camp­ing ground, glamp­ing ground, hostel …

Experience the ‘far side’ of Chitwan National Park, Nepal

October 27, 2022

Experience Chitwan National Park's far side on an open-hood jungle safari Picture Courtesy Community Homestay Network

Between waves of the pan­dem­ic, in 2021 I had the oppor­tun­ity to travel around Nepal’s Chit­wan Nation­al Park.  Known for its diverse wild­life, lush forests, and as one of the best places for bird watch­ing in Nepal, Chit­wan Nation­al Park is a fam­ous des­tin­a­tion for domest­ic and inter­na­tion­al trav­el­lers keen to explore Nepal’s flat plains.  Located […]

Read More Experience the ‘far side’ of Chitwan National Park, Nepal

Where wine was born and the local cheeses are prized: Alaverdi, Georgia

August 11, 2022

A montage. Alaverdi Monatery across the top two thirds of the image. Four square image run across the bottom: A qvevri abandoned above ground; a lady standing next to a 350-year-old grape vine; a local cheese; and some traditional cuisine

In 2017, the US’ Nation­al Academy of Sci­ences con­clus­ively determ­ined that wine ori­gin­ated some 8,000 years ago in Geor­gia.  I was already work­ing in Geor­gia and was invited to vis­it the tiny vil­lage of Alaverdi in the heart of Georgia’s Alazani River val­ley, a vast wine­mak­ing area.  With a pop­u­la­tion of few­er than 200, Alaverdi is […]

Read More Where wine was born and the local cheeses are prized: Alaverdi, Georgia

Impressions of eastern Nepal & the gem that is Ilam

November 18, 2021

Tending tea near Shree Antu village, Ilam District, eastern Nepal

Leav­ing the com­forts of my home has always been not only excit­ing but also some­what com­fort­ing to me.  Travel has helped me grow, learn, unlearn, and relearn things in life.  The most pre­cious memor­ies I have of grow­ing up are of going to dif­fer­ent places, exper­i­en­cing dif­fer­ent cul­tures and lan­guages, and enjoy­ing the loc­al del­ic­acies. Tak­ing family […]

Read More Impressions of eastern Nepal & the gem that is Ilam

Busting the borderland’s bad rap

August 18, 2021

The Sonora, Mexico landscape at El Aribabi. Picture supplied by author via the El Aribabi Conservation Ranch Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/ElAribabi

I enjoy sup­port­ing the ‘under­dog’ des­tin­a­tions of the world. They are often unique and beau­ti­ful in their own right, yet are under-vis­ited for one reas­on or anoth­er. An example I’ve already writ­ten about for “GT” Travel is the Amer­ic­an Prair­ie Reserve in Montana. Anoth­er place worth vis­it­ing by any­one seek­ing adven­ture is Ran­cho El Aribabi […]

Read More Busting the borderland’s bad rap

The luxury of simply feeling good in Siem Reap

The luxury of feeling good in Siem Reap, Cambodia at Sala Bai

As the gate­way to the icon­ic temples of Angkor, Siem Reap is one of the busiest ‘tour­ist towns’ in South­east Asia. Angkor Wat is a must-see, of course, but Siem Reap and its sur­rounds have much more to offer those who would stay a while longer.  With Siem Reap as a base, you can experience […]

Read More The luxury of simply feeling good in Siem Reap

Immersed in the Amazon

June 16, 2021

Manati Lodge on the Rio Negro, Brazil. Pic (cc) Angelo Sciacca.

Exper­i­en­tial tour­ism allows people to act­ively and mean­ing­fully engage with a place’s his­tory, people, cul­ture, food, and envir­on­ment.  I recently jour­neyed to the Brazili­an Amazon and exper­i­enced three days immersed in the envir­on­ment and cul­ture with the help of Wel­ling­ton, my inter­pret­ive guide.  I hope this blog post inspires oth­ers to take sim­il­ar exper­i­en­tial jour­neys. I […]

Read More Immersed in the Amazon