Contact ‘The “GT” Travel Blog’

About “GT” Travel
Launched in 2021 to prepare for travel & tourism’s post-pandemic recovery, The “GT” Travel Blog seeks to link travellers with the wisdom and advice of the most sincere travel & tourism insiders; the friends and partners of The “Good Tourism” Blog. A glowing and growing presence in the cloud since 2017, The “Good Tourism” Blog continues to connect the dots between theory and practice, rhetoric and reality when it comes to notions of sustainability and responsibility in the travel & tourism industry.
Contact “GT” Travel about sponsorship & advertising
The “Good Tourism” Blog is a business registered in Australia (ABN: 88 753 177 359) offering compelling sponsorship, sponsored content, and advertising packages called “GT” Partnerships. There is a “GT” Partnership for any organisation type or size.
Click here for “Good Tourism” Partnership information
Contact “GT” Travel with a donation
“GT” readers can be assured that they will ALWAYS come first. So to help the publisher keep his energy-efficient lights on, please consider an anonymous one-off gift or ongoing donation. THANK YOU to those who have!