Thomas Bauer

Dr Thomas Bauer

Dr Thomas Bauer

Dr Thomas Bauer is Adjunct Pro­fess­or, School of Tour­ism and Hos­pit­al­ity at The Uni­ver­sity of the South Pacific, Fiji; a polar exped­i­tions guide for Albatros Exped­i­tions; and an advis­ory board mem­ber with WTACH.

Since 1989, Dr Bauer has been a lec­turer, admin­is­trat­or, and research­er in the field of tour­ism, as well as a con­sult­ant on pro­jects for the United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­isa­tion and the gov­ern­ments of China and Hong Kong SAR.

He has also giv­en of his free time: As a State Emer­gency Ser­vice volun­teer in Queens­land, Aus­tralia; and, formerly, as an act­ive mem­ber of the Pacific Asia Travel Asso­ci­ation, includ­ing its Sus­tain­able Tour­ism Committee.

‘Rain­forest guard­i­ans’ of the Aus­trali­an Rain­forest Found­a­tion, Dr Bauer and his part­ner Lina live on a block of low­land rain­forest in Mis­sion Beach, Queensland.

Thomas has also writ­ten for The “Good Tour­ism” Blog.

Voyages to Antarctica: Unique, life-changing, memorable

May 1, 2021

Voyages to Antarctica: Unique, life-changing, memorable by Thomas Bauer

Of all my travel exper­i­ences in 75 coun­tries, none have been unique, life-chan­­ging, and mem­or­able like my voy­ages to Ant­arc­tica. I got involved in Ant­arc­tic affairs in 1991 when I star­ted my PhD research into the impacts and long term future of com­mer­cial tour­ism to Ant­arc­tica at Mon­ash Uni­ver­sity. I spent three months at the […]

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