“GT” Travel in Japan

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in Japan (scroll down for posts). Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case Japan’s good, bet­ter, best.

Japan, an island nation in East Asia, is a cap­tiv­at­ing des­tin­a­tion that offers a myri­ad of exper­i­ences for good trav­el­lers. Here are sev­er­al com­pel­ling reas­ons to vis­it Japan:

  1. Rich cul­ture and tra­di­tion: Japan boasts a vibrant cul­tur­al her­it­age that seam­lessly blends ancient tra­di­tions with mod­ern innov­a­tions. Vis­it­ors can immerse them­selves in the beauty of Japan­ese tea cere­mon­ies, tra­di­tion­al arts such as ikebana (flower arran­ging) and cal­li­graphy, as well as fest­ivals like cherry blos­som view­ing (hanami) and the icon­ic Gion Mat­suri in Kyoto.
  2. Stun­ning nat­ur­al land­scapes: From snow-capped moun­tains to lush forests and pristine beaches, Japan’s diverse land­scapes offer breath­tak­ing scenery year-round. Trav­el­lers can explore the icon­ic Mount Fuji, relax in the hot springs of Hokkaido, or hike through the scen­ic trails of the Japan­ese Alps.
  3. Culin­ary delights: Japan­ese cuisine is renowned world­wide for its fresh­ness, vari­ety, and art­ful present­a­tion. Vis­it­ors can savor sushi, sashimi, tem­pura, ramen, and a pleth­ora of oth­er mouth­wa­ter­ing dishes. Each region of Japan offers its own spe­cial­ties, provid­ing a culin­ary adven­ture for food enthusiasts.
  4. Mod­ern cit­ies: Japan’s bust­ling met­ro­pol­ises, such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, are hubs of innov­a­tion, tech­no­logy, and con­tem­por­ary cul­ture. From tower­ing sky­scrapers to bust­ling street mar­kets and vibrant night­life, these cit­ies offer a dynam­ic blend of tra­di­tion and modernity.
  5. Polite­ness and hos­pit­al­ity: Japan­ese hos­pit­al­ity, known as omotenashi, is world-fam­ous for its warmth, respect, and atten­tion to detail. Vis­it­ors can expect to be greeted with kind­ness and cour­tesy wherever they go, mak­ing their stay in Japan a truly mem­or­able experience.
  6. His­tor­ic­al sites and UNESCO World Her­it­age Sites: Japan is home to numer­ous his­tor­ic­al land­marks and UNESCO World Her­it­age Sites, includ­ing ancient temples, shrines, castles, and tra­di­tion­al vil­lages. These sites offer insight into Japan’s rich his­tory and cul­tur­al heritage.
  7. Safe and effi­cient trans­port­a­tion: Japan boasts one of the world’s most reli­able and effi­cient trans­port­a­tion sys­tems, includ­ing high-speed trains (Shinkansen), sub­ways, and buses. Trav­el­ling around the coun­try is con­veni­ent, safe, and punc­tu­al, allow­ing vis­it­ors to explore with ease.

Over­all, Japan’s blend of cul­ture, nature, cuisine, and hos­pit­al­ity make it a must-vis­it des­tin­a­tion for good trav­el­lers seek­ing a truly unfor­get­table experience.

American cultural geographer picks three favourite places to go in Greater Tokyo

March 21, 2024

Places to go in Greater Tokyo include Showa Kinen Koen. Pic by Norikio Yamamoto (CC0) via Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/photos/purple-flowers-near-green-trees-and-river-during-daytime-7pjnQXsjqw0

Tour­ist web­sites list no short­age of “things to see and do” in Japan that are no doubt all worth it. But after vis­it­ing Japan — most often Tokyo — annu­ally over the last 20 years, I have made a per­son­al list of recom­mend­a­tions — places to go in Great­er Tokyo — that don’t always appear on these websites. 

Read More American cultural geographer picks three favourite places to go in Greater Tokyo