“GT” Travel in Azerbaijan

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in Azerbaijan (scrolls down for posts), part of the South Cau­cas­us region at the inter­sec­tion of East­ern Europe and West­ern Asia. Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from travel & tour­ism insiders keen to show­case Azerbaijan’s good, bet­ter, best.

Azerbaijan is a beau­ti­ful coun­try loc­ated in the South Cau­cas­us region of Euras­ia, bordered by the Caspi­an Sea to the east. Here are some reas­ons why you should con­sider trav­el­ling to Azerbaijan:

  • Rich his­tory: Azerbaijan has a long and diverse his­tory, with many his­tor­ic­al land­marks and sites to explore. Vis­it­ors can dis­cov­er ancient pet­ro­glyphs, medi­ev­al fort­resses, and the icon­ic Maid­en Tower in the Old City of Baku, which is a UNESCO World Her­it­age Site.
  • Cul­tur­al diversity: Azerbaijan is a multi-eth­nic and mul­ti­cul­tur­al coun­try, with a rich and unique cul­tur­al her­it­age. Vis­it­ors can explore tra­di­tion­al music, dance, and art forms, as well as vis­it his­tor­ic­al sites such as the Palace of the Shir­van­shahs and the Fire Temple of Baku.
  • Nature: Azerbaijan is a coun­try of nat­ur­al beauty, with stun­ning land­scapes that include the Caspi­an Sea, the Cau­cas­us Moun­tains, and the Gobus­tan Nation­al Park. Vis­it­ors can enjoy hik­ing, horse­back rid­ing, and cyc­ling through the coun­try’s beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al scenery.
  • Cuisine: Azerbaijani cuisine is a blend of Turk­ish, Per­sian, and Rus­si­an influ­ences, with unique fla­vours and ingredi­ents. Some of the most pop­u­lar dishes include plov, dolma, and qutab.
  • Hos­pit­al­ity: Azerbaijanis are known for their warm hos­pit­al­ity and friendly nature towards vis­it­ors. Vis­it­ors can expect a warm wel­come and a genu­ine con­nec­tion with the loc­als through­out their stay.
  • Infra­struc­ture: Azerbaijan has inves­ted heav­ily in mod­ern infra­struc­ture, includ­ing trans­port­a­tion, accom­mod­a­tion, and attrac­tions. Vis­it­ors can enjoy world-class hotels, mod­ern shop­ping cen­ters, and state-of-the-art museums and galleries.
  • Afford­able: Azerbaijan is an afford­able des­tin­a­tion for trav­el­lers, with a range of budget-friendly accom­mod­a­tions, food options, and activities.

Over­all, Azerbaijan offers a unique and authen­t­ic travel exper­i­ence, from its stun­ning nat­ur­al scenery and rich cul­tur­al her­it­age to its warm hos­pit­al­ity and deli­cious cuisine. With its mod­ern infra­struc­ture, afford­ab­il­ity, and end­less options for adven­ture and relax­a­tion, Azerbaijan is a must-vis­it des­tin­a­tion for any good traveller.

Wonders of the unexpected: Pleasant surprises in Azerbaijan & Saudi Arabia

September 1, 2022

Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia

I star­ted trav­el­ling at an early age.  When I was barely three years old my par­ents took me on my very first trip to the US, Mex­ico, and the Carib­bean.  I have nev­er really stopped trav­el­ling since.  Dec­ades later I made a pact with a friend to travel to 100 coun­tries; some­thing I was meant to achieve […]

Read More Wonders of the unexpected: Pleasant surprises in Azerbaijan & Saudi Arabia