“GT” Travel in Antarctica

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in Ant­arc­tica (scroll down for posts). Learn about spe­cial places and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case Antarctica’s good, bet­ter, best.

Ant­arc­tica is a unique and pristine travel des­tin­a­tion that offers a once-in-a-life­time exper­i­ence. Here are some reas­ons why you should con­sider trav­el­ling to Antarctica:

  • Remote wil­der­ness: Ant­arc­tica is one of the most remote and pristine wil­der­ness areas on earth. With no per­man­ent human pop­u­la­tion, the region remains untouched and unspoiled, provid­ing a rare glimpse into a world that is largely untouched by human activity.
  • Wild­life: Ant­arc­tica is home to a range of unique and incred­ible wild­life, includ­ing pen­guins, seals, whales, and a vari­ety of bird spe­cies. Vis­it­ors can wit­ness these anim­als up close in their nat­ur­al hab­it­at and even par­ti­cip­ate in wild­life research projects.
  • Scenery: The icy land­scape of Ant­arc­tica is breath­tak­ingly beau­ti­ful, with tower­ing gla­ciers, snow-capped moun­tains, and stun­ning ice­bergs. Vis­it­ors can enjoy pan­or­amic views and take part in ice climb­ing, ski­ing, and snowshoeing.
  • Cli­mate and envir­on­ment: Ant­arc­tica is an import­ant region for cli­mate research, with sci­ent­ists study­ing the impact of cli­mate change on the region’s fra­gile eco­sys­tem. Vis­it­ors can learn about the latest research and con­trib­ute to efforts to pro­tect the environment.
  • Adven­ture: Trav­el­ing to Ant­arc­tica is an adven­ture in itself, with vis­it­ors cross­ing the Drake Pas­sage, one of the roughest stretches of water in the world, and brav­ing extreme weath­er con­di­tions. The exper­i­ence of vis­it­ing one of the most remote and untouched regions on earth is truly unforgettable.
  • Edu­ca­tion­al exper­i­ence: Ant­arc­tica provides a unique oppor­tun­ity to learn about the his­tory and sci­ence of the region, from the first explorers to mod­ern-day research efforts. Vis­it­ors can learn about the wild­life, geo­logy, and cli­mate of Ant­arc­tica from exper­i­enced guides and scientists.

Over­all, trav­el­ling to Ant­arc­tica is an unpar­alleled exper­i­ence that provides an oppor­tun­ity to wit­ness a unique and pristine wil­der­ness area, par­ti­cip­ate in research and con­ser­va­tion efforts, and cre­ate unfor­get­table memor­ies. While the jour­ney can be chal­len­ging, the rewards are worth it for good trav­el­lers seek­ing adven­ture, edu­ca­tion, and a con­nec­tion to nature.

Voyages to Antarctica: Unique, life-changing, memorable

May 1, 2021

Voyages to Antarctica: Unique, life-changing, memorable by Thomas Bauer

Of all my travel exper­i­ences in 75 coun­tries, none have been unique, life-chan­­ging, and mem­or­able like my voy­ages to Ant­arc­tica. I got involved in Ant­arc­tic affairs in 1991 when I star­ted my PhD research into the impacts and long term future of com­mer­cial tour­ism to Ant­arc­tica at Mon­ash Uni­ver­sity. I spent three months at the […]

Read More Voyages to Antarctica: Unique, life-changing, memorable