“GT” Travel in Asia

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in Asia (scroll down for posts), from (most of) Rus­sia in the north and east, to Indone­sia in the south, and the diverse nations of the Middle East in the west. Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case Asi­a’s good, bet­ter, best.

Asia is a vast and diverse con­tin­ent that offers a wealth of travel exper­i­ences. Here are some reas­ons why you should con­sider trav­el­ling to Asia:

  • Rich his­tory and cul­ture: Asia is home to some of the world’s old­est and most vibrant civil­isa­tions, includ­ing China, India, and Japan. Vis­it­ors can explore ancient temples, tra­di­tion­al vil­lages, and his­tor­ic land­marks, learn­ing about the region’s fas­cin­at­ing his­tory and culture.
  • Nat­ur­al beauty: From the tower­ing Him­alay­as to the pristine beaches of Thai­l­and, Asia is home to some of the world’s most breath­tak­ing nat­ur­al land­scapes. Vis­it­ors can trek through lush rain­forests, go snor­kelling in crys­tal-clear waters, and wit­ness stun­ning sun­sets over rice paddies.
  • Culin­ary delights: Asia is renowned for its diverse and deli­cious cuisine, with each coun­try offer­ing a unique range of fla­vours and dishes. Vis­it­ors can sample street food, tra­di­tion­al dishes, and Mich­elin-starred res­taur­ants, dis­cov­er­ing new tastes and ingredi­ents along the way.
  • Vibrant cit­ies: From the bust­ling streets of Tokyo to the col­our­ful mar­kets of Bangkok, Asi­a’s cit­ies are dynam­ic and diverse. Exper­i­ence the energy and excite­ment of urb­an life through mod­ern archi­tec­ture, shop­ping, and nightlife.
  • Spir­itu­al­ity and well­ness: Asia is a hub of spir­itu­al­ity, offer­ing a range of prac­tices such as yoga, med­it­a­tion, and Ayurveda. Vis­it­ors can immerse them­selves in these prac­tices, vis­it­ing spir­itu­al retreats, tak­ing yoga classes, or seek­ing out well­ness experiences.
  • Adven­ture: Asia is a play­ground for adven­ture-seekers, with activ­it­ies such as trekking, moun­tain climb­ing, and scuba diving. Vis­it­ors can chal­lenge them­selves phys­ic­ally and men­tally, explor­ing the region’s nat­ur­al won­ders and push­ing their limits.

Over­all, Asia is a diverse and excit­ing travel des­tin­a­tion that offers some­thing for every­one. Wheth­er you are seek­ing cul­tur­al immer­sion, nat­ur­al beauty, culin­ary delights, or adven­ture, Asia has it all. With its rich his­tory, stun­ning land­scapes, and vibrant cit­ies, Asia is a must-vis­it des­tin­a­tion for any good traveller.

Memories of Jordan (and celebrating the ‘bucket list’)

February 17, 2022

Memories of Petra and Jordan by Melanie Kay Smith

I was at a tour­ism industry con­fer­ence a few months ago listen­ing to a talk on the dev­ast­at­ing effects of COV­­ID-related travel bans on her­it­age des­tin­a­tions.  Pro­fess­or Mike Robin­son, the speak­er, cited Jordan as a prime example.  Amidst my sym­pathy for the des­tin­a­tion and its people, my ‘buck­et list’ quest react­iv­ated instantly in my mind.  It […]

Read More Memories of Jordan (and celebrating the ‘bucket list’)

Living Laos by riding it

January 13, 2022

A photo opportunity somewhere in Luang Prabang Province, Laos. Image by Chris Mulder via KTM Laos.

Hav­ing lived in Laos for all but a year since 2009, I real­ise how little the gen­er­al vis­it­or to the PDR takes home with them in terms of exper­i­ences and memor­ies.  Per­haps that is because ever since I star­ted liv­ing in Laos I have wanted to explore my new home on a motor­cycle. And now […]

Read More Living Laos by riding it

Impressions of eastern Nepal & the gem that is Ilam

November 18, 2021

Tending tea near Shree Antu village, Ilam District, eastern Nepal

Leav­ing the com­forts of my home has always been not only excit­ing but also some­what com­fort­ing to me.  Travel has helped me grow, learn, unlearn, and relearn things in life.  The most pre­cious memor­ies I have of grow­ing up are of going to dif­fer­ent places, exper­i­en­cing dif­fer­ent cul­tures and lan­guages, and enjoy­ing the loc­al del­ic­acies. Tak­ing family […]

Read More Impressions of eastern Nepal & the gem that is Ilam

Find five-star dining in surprising Mae Sot

October 21, 2021

Instruction in the kitchen at HCTC's The Passport restaurant in Mae Sot, Thailand

The city of Mae Sot in west­ern Thai­l­and dis­plays most of the hall­marks of a small bor­der cross­ing hub. Rich in trade, the quiet little town is a fas­cin­at­ing melt­ing pot of people.  Over dec­ades, influxes of refugees flee­ing neigh­bour­ing Myan­mar, many from the per­se­cuted Kar­en tribe, have shaped the city and earned it the nick­name of […]

Read More Find five-star dining in surprising Mae Sot

Far and wide: Inspired by Hanoi’s hoa sữa

August 25, 2021

Hanoi's hoa sữa (“milk flowers”, named after their milky white petals). Picture courtesy of Minh Quan (c). httpswww.facebook.comshotgun911

Estab­lished some 4,000 years ago on the banks of the Red River, and chosen as the cap­it­al more than 1,000 years ago, Hanoi is widely regarded as the his­tor­ic heart of Viet­nam. It clings strongly to tra­di­tions. The city’s Old Quarter trans­ports vis­it­ors back in time. Over the cen­tur­ies, Hanoi has been exposed to the ups […]

Read More Far and wide: Inspired by Hanoi’s hoa sữa

The luxury of simply feeling good in Siem Reap

The luxury of feeling good in Siem Reap, Cambodia at Sala Bai

As the gate­way to the icon­ic temples of Angkor, Siem Reap is one of the busiest ‘tour­ist towns’ in South­east Asia. Angkor Wat is a must-see, of course, but Siem Reap and its sur­rounds have much more to offer those who would stay a while longer.  With Siem Reap as a base, you can experience […]

Read More The luxury of simply feeling good in Siem Reap