“GT” Travel in Asia

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in Asia (scroll down for posts), from (most of) Rus­sia in the north and east, to Indone­sia in the south, and the diverse nations of the Middle East in the west. Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case Asi­a’s good, bet­ter, best.

Asia is a vast and diverse con­tin­ent that offers a wealth of travel exper­i­ences. Here are some reas­ons why you should con­sider trav­el­ling to Asia:

  • Rich his­tory and cul­ture: Asia is home to some of the world’s old­est and most vibrant civil­isa­tions, includ­ing China, India, and Japan. Vis­it­ors can explore ancient temples, tra­di­tion­al vil­lages, and his­tor­ic land­marks, learn­ing about the region’s fas­cin­at­ing his­tory and culture.
  • Nat­ur­al beauty: From the tower­ing Him­alay­as to the pristine beaches of Thai­l­and, Asia is home to some of the world’s most breath­tak­ing nat­ur­al land­scapes. Vis­it­ors can trek through lush rain­forests, go snor­kelling in crys­tal-clear waters, and wit­ness stun­ning sun­sets over rice paddies.
  • Culin­ary delights: Asia is renowned for its diverse and deli­cious cuisine, with each coun­try offer­ing a unique range of fla­vours and dishes. Vis­it­ors can sample street food, tra­di­tion­al dishes, and Mich­elin-starred res­taur­ants, dis­cov­er­ing new tastes and ingredi­ents along the way.
  • Vibrant cit­ies: From the bust­ling streets of Tokyo to the col­our­ful mar­kets of Bangkok, Asi­a’s cit­ies are dynam­ic and diverse. Exper­i­ence the energy and excite­ment of urb­an life through mod­ern archi­tec­ture, shop­ping, and nightlife.
  • Spir­itu­al­ity and well­ness: Asia is a hub of spir­itu­al­ity, offer­ing a range of prac­tices such as yoga, med­it­a­tion, and Ayurveda. Vis­it­ors can immerse them­selves in these prac­tices, vis­it­ing spir­itu­al retreats, tak­ing yoga classes, or seek­ing out well­ness experiences.
  • Adven­ture: Asia is a play­ground for adven­ture-seekers, with activ­it­ies such as trekking, moun­tain climb­ing, and scuba diving. Vis­it­ors can chal­lenge them­selves phys­ic­ally and men­tally, explor­ing the region’s nat­ur­al won­ders and push­ing their limits.

Over­all, Asia is a diverse and excit­ing travel des­tin­a­tion that offers some­thing for every­one. Wheth­er you are seek­ing cul­tur­al immer­sion, nat­ur­al beauty, culin­ary delights, or adven­ture, Asia has it all. With its rich his­tory, stun­ning land­scapes, and vibrant cit­ies, Asia is a must-vis­it des­tin­a­tion for any good traveller.

Huế to go for a sweet treat

July 14, 2021

A class of 10 and an instructor. La Boulangerie Française, Huế, Vietnam

Huế is loc­ated on the bank of the pic­tur­esque Sông Hương (Per­fume River). Once the cap­it­al of imper­i­al Viet­nam, the city shines with the glor­ies of the past.  The town’s rich her­it­age includes charm­ing pago­das, palaces, and the tombs of Emper­ors who once ruled over the city. There are sev­en mauso­leums dot­ted all over the city.  I […]

Read More Huế to go for a sweet treat

If sweet treats make you weak, beware these strong women in Siem Reap

June 30, 2021

Trainee concentrates at the Bayon Pastry School Coffee Shop in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Hid­den in a maze of small side roads, behind flowers and palms, it may not be the easi­est place to find but it is well worth it. The little oas­is is a lovely spot for a gen­er­ous break­fast, brunch, sweet indul­gence, or even an after­noon chilling in a relax­ing ambi­ence.  I vis­it the Bay­on Pastry School […]

Read More If sweet treats make you weak, beware these strong women in Siem Reap

Drop a beat when you eat in Ho Chi Minh City

Skip a beat when you eat at Mai Sen Bistro, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Once known as the Pearl of the Far East, Ho Chi Minh City — Sai­gon — is a bust­ling met­ro­pol­is. With its crazy traffic and dizzy­ing energy, the eco­nom­ic heart of Viet­nam is a place like no oth­er.  If I had to describe in three words the city that raised me, one would be ‘food’. With humble street stalls, fine dining, […]

Read More Drop a beat when you eat in Ho Chi Minh City

In love with a Himalayan homestay

May 8, 2021

Lagom Stay homestay, Jagatsukh village, Himachal Pradesh state, India

Tucked away across the gurg­ling Beas, away from the chaot­ic touristy caco­phony of Man­ali, lies the quaint vil­lage of Jag­at­sukh. One of the old­est vil­lages in the Kullu dis­trict of India’s Himach­al Pra­desh state, Jag­at­sukh is nestled in the lap of nature. It’s the per­fect get­away for the slow trav­el­ler. Himach­al Pra­desh is also called […]

Read More In love with a Himalayan homestay

Lapping Luang Namtha

May 3, 2021

Nam Tha River longboat cruise to Khone Kham along the Nam Ha National Protected Area

“Where are you tak­ing me this time?” I asked Som­savath at Luang Namtha’s air­port. The year … 2012. I’ve toured with Som­savath, who runs Phou Iu Travel, sev­er­al times. He is forever dig­ging deep­er into the moun­tains of Laos’ north­west­­ern-most province. His itin­er­ar­ies make “off the beaten track” look like Main Street. “We’re try­ing some­thing new.” […]

Read More Lapping Luang Namtha

My choice for a sustainable Singapore stopover

May 2, 2021

Two hornbills facing each other on the bough of a leafy green tropical tree,

Liv­ing in Australia/New Zea­l­and and hav­ing fam­ily in Ger­many means that I travel reg­u­larly to Europe. And that often takes me via Singa­pore. Now, if you have ever done long-haul travel with kids you will know that it is quite a chal­lenge to hop off one 12-hour flight, just to board anoth­er. So we typically […]

Read More My choice for a sustainable Singapore stopover