“GT” Independent Travel

Here are all the “GT” Travel posts that might inspire a tour­ist or trav­el­ler with an inde­pend­ent spir­it; someone who wants to do their own thing, explore at their own pace.

Impressions of eastern Nepal & the gem that is Ilam

November 18, 2021

Tending tea near Shree Antu village, Ilam District, eastern Nepal

Leav­ing the com­forts of my home has always been not only excit­ing but also some­what com­fort­ing to me.  Travel has helped me grow, learn, unlearn, and relearn things in life.  The most pre­cious memor­ies I have of grow­ing up are of going to dif­fer­ent places, exper­i­en­cing dif­fer­ent cul­tures and lan­guages, and enjoy­ing the loc­al del­ic­acies. Tak­ing family […]

Read More Impressions of eastern Nepal & the gem that is Ilam

Little yurt on the prairie

July 21, 2021

Connor and his daughter, Genesis, at an APR yurt that forms part of their Hut-to-Hut System

Have you ever felt good about vis­it­ing a place that was hungry for vis­it­ors but not get­ting the atten­tion it deserved?  Its lack of pop­ular­ity may have been due to the des­tin­a­tion or attrac­tion being new, or out of the way, or maybe it some­how got a bad rap. Whatever the reas­on, it was off […]

Read More Little yurt on the prairie

Sierra Leone changed my life

May 19, 2021

Waterfront view Freetown, Sierra Leone. (c) Meghan L Muldoon

Sierra Leone changed my life. It was 2011. My friend Su was work­ing in Free­town. Christina, Heath­er, and I decided to vis­it her in Novem­ber of that year.  Novem­ber is the worst month to live in Van­couver. Being pretty broke at the time, we took a bus down to the air­port in Seattle — flights are cheap­er in the […]

Read More Sierra Leone changed my life

People make Glasgow

May 12, 2021

Glasgow street art. Image by Catherine Alard (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/tag-glasgow-street-art-2810648/

‘People Make Glas­gow’.  That’s the offi­cial slo­gan of the Glas­gow City Council’s tour­ism pro­mo­tion cam­paign.  And it’s true. While Glas­gow has the Vic­tori­an archi­tec­ture befit­ting the former ‘second city of the empire’, it doesn’t have the majest­ic visu­al beauty of Edin­burgh. (Damn that castle.) But what Glas­gow lacks in dra­mat­ic city­scapes, it more than makes up […]

Read More People make Glasgow