“GT” Food & Beverage

Here are all the “GT” Travel posts that dis­cuss a res­taur­ant, café, street stall, food truck, bar, night club, or any oth­er place where a tour­ist or trav­el­ler can fill up, savour, or celebrate.

Find five-star dining in surprising Mae Sot

October 21, 2021

Instruction in the kitchen at HCTC's The Passport restaurant in Mae Sot, Thailand

The city of Mae Sot in west­ern Thai­l­and dis­plays most of the hall­marks of a small bor­der cross­ing hub. Rich in trade, the quiet little town is a fas­cin­at­ing melt­ing pot of people.  Over dec­ades, influxes of refugees flee­ing neigh­bour­ing Myan­mar, many from the per­se­cuted Kar­en tribe, have shaped the city and earned it the nick­name of […]

Read More Find five-star dining in surprising Mae Sot

Far and wide: Inspired by Hanoi’s hoa sữa

August 25, 2021

Hanoi's hoa sữa (“milk flowers”, named after their milky white petals). Picture courtesy of Minh Quan (c). httpswww.facebook.comshotgun911

Estab­lished some 4,000 years ago on the banks of the Red River, and chosen as the cap­it­al more than 1,000 years ago, Hanoi is widely regarded as the his­tor­ic heart of Viet­nam. It clings strongly to tra­di­tions. The city’s Old Quarter trans­ports vis­it­ors back in time. Over the cen­tur­ies, Hanoi has been exposed to the ups […]

Read More Far and wide: Inspired by Hanoi’s hoa sữa

The luxury of simply feeling good in Siem Reap

The luxury of feeling good in Siem Reap, Cambodia at Sala Bai

As the gate­way to the icon­ic temples of Angkor, Siem Reap is one of the busiest ‘tour­ist towns’ in South­east Asia. Angkor Wat is a must-see, of course, but Siem Reap and its sur­rounds have much more to offer those who would stay a while longer.  With Siem Reap as a base, you can experience […]

Read More The luxury of simply feeling good in Siem Reap

Huế to go for a sweet treat

July 14, 2021

A class of 10 and an instructor. La Boulangerie Française, Huế, Vietnam

Huế is loc­ated on the bank of the pic­tur­esque Sông Hương (Per­fume River). Once the cap­it­al of imper­i­al Viet­nam, the city shines with the glor­ies of the past.  The town’s rich her­it­age includes charm­ing pago­das, palaces, and the tombs of Emper­ors who once ruled over the city. There are sev­en mauso­leums dot­ted all over the city.  I […]

Read More Huế to go for a sweet treat

If sweet treats make you weak, beware these strong women in Siem Reap

June 30, 2021

Trainee concentrates at the Bayon Pastry School Coffee Shop in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Hid­den in a maze of small side roads, behind flowers and palms, it may not be the easi­est place to find but it is well worth it. The little oas­is is a lovely spot for a gen­er­ous break­fast, brunch, sweet indul­gence, or even an after­noon chilling in a relax­ing ambi­ence.  I vis­it the Bay­on Pastry School […]

Read More If sweet treats make you weak, beware these strong women in Siem Reap

Drop a beat when you eat in Ho Chi Minh City

Skip a beat when you eat at Mai Sen Bistro, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Once known as the Pearl of the Far East, Ho Chi Minh City — Sai­gon — is a bust­ling met­ro­pol­is. With its crazy traffic and dizzy­ing energy, the eco­nom­ic heart of Viet­nam is a place like no oth­er.  If I had to describe in three words the city that raised me, one would be ‘food’. With humble street stalls, fine dining, […]

Read More Drop a beat when you eat in Ho Chi Minh City