Voyages to Antarctica: Unique, life-changing, memorable

May 1, 2021

Voyages to Antarctica: Unique, life-changing, memorable by Thomas Bauer
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Of all my travel exper­i­ences in 75 coun­tries, none have been unique, life-chan­ging, and mem­or­able like my voy­ages to Antarctica.

I got involved in Ant­arc­tic affairs in 1991 when I star­ted my PhD research into the impacts and long term future of com­mer­cial tour­ism to Ant­arc­tica at Mon­ash University.

I spent three months at the Scott Polar Research Insti­tute at Cam­bridge Uni­ver­sity and gained my first Ant­arc­tic travel exper­i­ence aboard ship in 1994.

Dr Thomas Bauer, Adjunct Professor, School of Tourism and Hospitality, The University of the South Pacific, Fiji; Adjunct Professor, Sustainable Tourism, Central Queensland University, Australia; Polar expeditions guide, Albatros Expeditions; Advisory board member, WTACH

The inside track

Dr Thomas Bauer is Adjunct Pro­fess­or, School of Tour­ism and Hos­pit­al­ity at The Uni­ver­sity of the South Pacific, Fiji; a polar exped­i­tions guide for Albatros Exped­i­tions; and an advis­ory board mem­ber with WTACH.

Since then I have trav­elled to Ant­arc­tica as an exped­i­tion guide, lec­turer, and Zodi­ac driver on more than 40 voy­ages and hope to return in late 2021. (A Zodi­ac is a brand of inflat­able boat used for small-group excur­sions away from the primary vessel.)

The absence of a uni­fy­ing gov­ern­ment makes Ant­arc­tica a unique tour­ist des­tin­a­tion. It is admin­istered by the more than 50 nations that are sig­nat­or­ies to the Ant­arc­tic Treaty. Tour­ism is man­aged under strict guidelines developed by Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­ation of Ant­arc­tica Tour Oper­at­ors (IAATO) and the Treaty Parties.

All pas­sen­gers aboard ship must attend com­puls­ory lec­tures on the guidelines. And strict bio­se­c­ur­ity meas­ures are in place. While ashore min­im­um dis­tances from wild­life need to be observed.

Vis­it­or num­bers have increased since I first got involved. Dur­ing 2019/2020, some 55,000 pas­sen­gers made land­ings, almost all of them in the Ant­arc­tic Pen­in­sula region.

Most people want to vis­it Ant­arc­tica because it is the last great wil­der­ness on Earth. Its snow- and ice-capped moun­tains, huge gla­ciers, iceshelfs and ice­bergs the size of houses — at times small coun­tries — are what impress me most.

Oh yes, and there are a few pen­guins around as well. In the Ant­arc­tic Pen­in­sula region they are pre­dom­in­ately chin­strap, gentoo, and ade­lie pen­guins. The much lar­ger king pen­guins can be seen in large num­bers in the Falk­land Islands, and on the island of South Georgia. 

Hump­back whales and orcas, as well as leo­pard seals, crab eat­er seals, and fur seals can reg­u­larly be seen. And sev­er­al spe­cies of albatross, includ­ing the wan­der­er, fol­low the ships as they cross the Drake Passage.

The time to vis­it Ant­arc­tica is from very late Octo­ber to mid-March. I like the early part best. Places vis­ited are often covered in thick snow and there are few­er human foot­prints. Pen­guins are busy build­ing their pebble nests, court­ing, and lay­ing their eggs.

In my exper­i­ence, small ships with few­er than 200 guests like the brand new Ocean Vic­tory oper­ated by Albatros Exped­i­tions — the out­fit I work for as a polar exped­i­tions guide — are the most suit­able mode of trans­port. They provide all the mod­ern creature com­forts but still allow flex­ib­il­ity with landings. 

All excur­sions are under­taken using Zodi­acs that carry 10 guests at a time. No more that 100 guests are allowed to be ashore at any one time and thus the few­er pas­sen­gers on a ship the more time each guest has ashore.

Zodiac and iceberg
A Zodi­ac takes a closer look at an iceberg.

Where land­ings are made is determ­ined by the wind and ice con­di­tions. These can change from one moment to the next, so tour com­pan­ies can give no guar­an­tees about what guests will see or exper­i­ence. With a price tag of upwards of USD 10,000 per per­son, plus the cost of flights to get to the most com­mon start­ing point, Ushuaia, in the far south of Argen­tina, poten­tial trav­el­lers need to be aware of this.

Admit­tedly, travel to Ant­arc­tica is a car­bon-intens­ive under­tak­ing, but a voy­age south is also an inspir­a­tion. In a lec­ture aboard I encour­age guests to do their part in mak­ing the places where they live more envir­on­ment­ally sustainable.

Don’t miss oth­er “GT” Travel Exper­i­ences tagged with
“Organ­ised travel”

I like to think I ‘walk the talk’. The beauty and largely pristine nature of the places I have had the priv­ilege to vis­it over the years has inspired my wife and me to buy a block of low­land rain­forest in Mis­sion Beach, Queens­land, Aus­tralia. We have placed a con­ser­va­tion cov­en­ant on the prop­erty to pro­tect it in perpetuity. 

I whole­heartedly encour­age read­ers to put a voy­age to Ant­arc­tica high on their post-COV­ID list of places to vis­it. And they are more than wel­come to email me dir­ectly for advice at

Elephant Island on a very fine day 1
Ele­phant Island on a very fine day.

Where is this?

Most sight­see­ing voy­ages to Ant­arc­tica are to the Ant­arc­tic Pen­in­sula region, and most of them start from Ushuaia in Argen­tina. Dr Bauer works as a polar exped­i­tions guide for Dan­ish com­pany Albatros Exped­i­tions. E‑mail him dir­ectly.

Where next?

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