Busting the borderland’s bad rap

August 18, 2021

The Sonora, Mexico landscape at El Aribabi. Picture supplied by author via the El Aribabi Conservation Ranch Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/ElAribabi
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I enjoy sup­port­ing the ‘under­dog’ des­tin­a­tions of the world. They are often unique and beau­ti­ful in their own right, yet are under-vis­ited for one reas­on or anoth­er. An example I’ve already writ­ten about for “GT” Travel is the Amer­ic­an Prair­ie Reserve in Montana.

Anoth­er place worth vis­it­ing by any­one seek­ing adven­ture is Ran­cho El Arib­abi in north­ern Son­ora, Mex­ico, just south of the US-Mex­ico bor­der. While this amaz­ing place has much to offer, it struggles to attract tour­ists because of all the neg­at­ive media atten­tion the area gets. 

Connor Clark

The inside track

Con­nor Clark is a PhD can­did­ate at Ari­zona State Uni­ver­sity, a research asso­ci­ate for ASU’s Cen­ter for Sus­tain­able Tour­ism, and a sus­tain­able com­munity devel­op­ment advoc­ate. Off Sea­son Adven­tures invited Con­nor to write for “GT” Travel.

I vis­ited Ran­cho El Arib­abi in June 2021 with a team of Ari­zona State Uni­ver­sity fac­ulty. It was part of a research pro­ject to under­stand the poten­tial for driv­ing more cross-bor­der tour­ism and con­ser­va­tion col­lab­or­a­tion in this part of the world. 

While this ranch has his­tor­ic­ally been ded­ic­ated to rais­ing cattle, the cur­rent own­ers have launched an up-hill battle to turn their prop­erty into a pro­tec­ted nature pre­serve and eco­tour­ism des­tin­a­tion. Their main chal­lenge is to get enough rev­en­ue from tour­ism to main­tain their con­ser­va­tion focus so that they don’t have to depend as much on cattle, which is a cen­tur­ies-old prac­tice in north­ern Son­ora that has brought dev­ast­at­ing envir­on­ment­al consequences. 

A campsite with outdoor bathrooms is currently being constructed at Rancho El Aribabi
A camp­site with out­door bath­rooms is cur­rently being con­struc­ted at Ran­cho El Aribabi

Mak­ing their chal­lenge even harder is the fact that their most attract­ive tour­ism mar­kets across the inter­na­tion­al bor­der, Phoenix and Tuc­son in Ari­zona, are deathly afraid of vis­it­ing them, partly due to the neg­at­ive media atten­tion that the region receives; con­stant head­lines about drug car­tel viol­ence, human smug­gling, and a so-called bor­der crisis.

Although Ran­cho El Arib­abi is known for its amaz­ing bird life and cam­era-trap sight­ings of endangered jag­uars and ocelots, mar­ket­ing to tour­ists has been dif­fi­cult. Admit­tedly, the neg­at­ive media had tain­ted my own per­cep­tion of the region, but when the own­ers assured me that they had nev­er encountered any of the dangers that are fre­quently high­lighted, I knew that we had to give El Arib­abi a chance.

As we drove along High­way 2 from Agua Pri­eta, Son­ora and passed the massive min­ing oper­a­tions around the town of Cananea, I could sense just how cru­cial it was for the pre­cious moun­tain eco­sys­tem here, known as the Sky Islands, to have at least a small por­tion of it protected. 

Setting out on a hike with the ASU team.
Set­ting out on a hike with the ASU team.

Soon after arriv­ing at the ranch, my team and I went out on a guided hike with one of the fam­ily mem­bers. We saw a num­ber of wild creatures, such as a group of the rac­coon-like coatimun­dis and a gray hawk. 

As we paused to catch our breath after cross­ing the Río Cocóspera, our guide told me that his efforts to mar­ket the ranch as a safe attrac­tion for US tour­ists had failed so far. To para­phrase his words, Amer­ic­ans think he is a dis­hon­est Mexican.

Connor Clark crossing el Río Cocóspera’s crystal clear waters,
Con­nor Clark cross­ing el Río Cocóspera’s crys­tal clear waters.

The pre­ju­dice he described is likely what many oth­er attrac­tions around the world exper­i­ence as they try to pro­mote them­selves in the glob­al tour­ism mar­ket. As illus­trated in this example, even a place like Ran­cho El Arib­abi, with its attract­ive fea­tures and hos­pit­able people, can suf­fer from the repu­ta­tion of its broad­er region.

To help resolve this unfair­ness, inde­pend­ent trav­el­lers should do their own research on des­tin­a­tions with bad repu­ta­tions with the view to giv­ing them a chance. If you’re such a trav­el­ler, you can help these des­tin­a­tions break through by find­ing mis­sion-driv­en attrac­tions, listen­ing to the advice and reas­sur­ance of the loc­als involved, and shar­ing your last­ing travel memor­ies with others. 

I did.

Where is this?

El Arib­abi Con­ser­va­tion Ranch
Cocospera, Son­ora, Mex­ico
Tel: +52 1 632 318 0030 | Email: kathy@elaribabi.com

Fea­tured image (top of post): The Son­ora, Mex­ico land­scape at El Arib­abi. Pic­ture sup­plied by author via the El Arib­abi Con­ser­va­tion Ranch Face­book page.

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