“GT” Travel in Europe

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in Europe (scrolls down for posts). Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case Europe’s good, bet­ter, best. 

Europe is a con­tin­ent rich in his­tory, cul­ture, and nat­ur­al beauty, mak­ing it a pop­u­lar travel des­tin­a­tion for vis­it­ors from all over the world. Here are some reas­ons why you should con­sider trav­el­ling to Europe:

  • His­tory: Europe has a long and rich his­tory, with many his­tor­ic­al land­marks and sites to explore. Vis­it­ors can dis­cov­er ancient ruins, medi­ev­al castles, and icon­ic land­marks such as the Eif­fel Tower in Par­is, the Colos­seum in Rome, and Big Ben in London.
  • Art and cul­ture: Europe is known for its vibrant art and cul­ture scene. Vis­it­ors can explore world-renowned museums such as the Louvre in Par­is, the Vat­ic­an Museums in Rome, and the Pra­do Museum in Mad­rid. They can also exper­i­ence live theatre, music, and dance performances.
  • Nat­ur­al beauty: Europe has stun­ning nat­ur­al land­scapes, from the majest­ic Swiss Alps to the scen­ic coast­lines of the Medi­ter­ranean. Vis­it­ors can explore nation­al parks, hike through moun­tain trails, and relax on pic­tur­esque beaches.
  • Cuisine: Europe offers a diverse range of cuisine, with each coun­try hav­ing its own unique fla­vours and favour­ites. Vis­it­ors can indulge in French pastries, Itali­an pasta, Span­ish tapas, and Ger­man beer and sausages.
  • Archi­tec­ture: Europe is home to some of the most beau­ti­ful and icon­ic archi­tec­tur­al mas­ter­pieces in the world. Vis­it­ors can admire Goth­ic cathed­rals, Renais­sance palaces, and mod­ern build­ings such as the Gug­gen­heim Museum in Bilbao.
  • Trans­port­a­tion: Europe has a well-developed trans­port­a­tion sys­tem that makes it easy to travel between coun­tries. Vis­it­ors can take high-speed trains, buses, or flights to explore dif­fer­ent cit­ies and countries.
  • Fest­ivals: Europe hosts a vari­ety of fest­ivals through­out the year, from music fest­ivals like Tomor­row­land in Bel­gi­um to cul­tur­al cel­eb­ra­tions such as Okto­ber­fest in Germany.

Over­all, Europe offers a unique and diverse range of exper­i­ences, from its rich his­tory and art to its stun­ning nat­ur­al beauty and deli­cious cuisine. With its effi­cient trans­port­a­tion sys­tem, cul­tur­al diversity, and count­less attrac­tions, Europe is a must-vis­it des­tin­a­tion for any good traveller.

The “GT” map for Europe below includes Rus­si­an ter­rit­ory that is west of Ural Moun­tains and the nations that are west of the Caspi­an sea, includ­ing all of Tur­key. The islands of the United King­dom and Ire­land are part of Europe, of course. And Ice­land, which is far to the north­w­est of the main­land, is also part of Europe.

Wonders of the unexpected: Pleasant surprises in Azerbaijan & Saudi Arabia

September 1, 2022

Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia

I star­ted trav­el­ling at an early age.  When I was barely three years old my par­ents took me on my very first trip to the US, Mex­ico, and the Carib­bean.  I have nev­er really stopped trav­el­ling since.  Dec­ades later I made a pact with a friend to travel to 100 coun­tries; some­thing I was meant to achieve […]

Read More Wonders of the unexpected: Pleasant surprises in Azerbaijan & Saudi Arabia

Where wine was born and the local cheeses are prized: Alaverdi, Georgia

August 11, 2022

A montage. Alaverdi Monatery across the top two thirds of the image. Four square image run across the bottom: A qvevri abandoned above ground; a lady standing next to a 350-year-old grape vine; a local cheese; and some traditional cuisine

In 2017, the US’ Nation­al Academy of Sci­ences con­clus­ively determ­ined that wine ori­gin­ated some 8,000 years ago in Geor­gia.  I was already work­ing in Geor­gia and was invited to vis­it the tiny vil­lage of Alaverdi in the heart of Georgia’s Alazani River val­ley, a vast wine­mak­ing area.  With a pop­u­la­tion of few­er than 200, Alaverdi is […]

Read More Where wine was born and the local cheeses are prized: Alaverdi, Georgia

Old stories, new memories in Valjevo, Serbia

May 26, 2021

A 3:2 crop of a panoramic image of Valjevo, Serbia featuring the Balkans' second largest Orthodox temple. Photo (c) Dimitrije Tanasković https://www.instagram.com/dimitrijetanaskovic/

“Why did­n’t you ever tell me that?” I shrieked. “Well, you nev­er asked,” my grandma replied. I am unsure wheth­er there was an echo of rep­rim­and or remorse. Maybe I ima­gined it. Still, the accom­pa­ny­ing smile hin­ted that she had been wait­ing for this moment. I loved both my grand­par­ents with all my heart. They […]

Read More Old stories, new memories in Valjevo, Serbia

People make Glasgow

May 12, 2021

Glasgow street art. Image by Catherine Alard (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/tag-glasgow-street-art-2810648/

‘People Make Glas­gow’.  That’s the offi­cial slo­gan of the Glas­gow City Council’s tour­ism pro­mo­tion cam­paign.  And it’s true. While Glas­gow has the Vic­tori­an archi­tec­ture befit­ting the former ‘second city of the empire’, it doesn’t have the majest­ic visu­al beauty of Edin­burgh. (Damn that castle.) But what Glas­gow lacks in dra­mat­ic city­scapes, it more than makes up […]

Read More People make Glasgow