“GT” Travel in Brazil

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” in Brazil (scroll down for posts). Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case Brazil’s good, bet­ter, best.

Brazil is a coun­try of immense nat­ur­al beauty, rich cul­tur­al her­it­age, and a diverse pop­u­la­tion. Here are some reas­ons why you should con­sider trav­el­ling to Brazil:

  • Nat­ur­al won­ders: Brazil is home to some of the world’s most breath­tak­ing nat­ur­al won­ders, such as the Amazon rain­forest, the Pantanal wet­lands, and the stun­ning beaches of Rio de Janeiro. Vis­it­ors can explore the dense forests, spot exot­ic wild­life, and mar­vel at the stun­ning water­falls and landscapes.
  • Cul­ture and his­tory: Brazil has a unique blend of indi­gen­ous, European, and Afric­an cul­tures, with a rich his­tory span­ning over five cen­tur­ies. Vis­it­ors can learn about the coun­try’s colo­ni­al past, exper­i­ence the vibrant music and dance scene, and see the world-fam­ous Car­ni­val parade in Rio.
  • Food and drink: Brazili­an cuisine is diverse and fla­vor­ful, with influ­ences from Por­tugal, Africa, and indi­gen­ous cul­tures. Vis­it­ors can savor tra­di­tion­al dishes such as fei­joada, churrasco, and cox­inha, as well as enjoy the coun­try’s fam­ous cof­fee and caipirinha cocktails.
  • Sports and adven­ture: Brazil is known for its pas­sion for sports, espe­cially soc­cer. Vis­it­ors can watch a live game at the icon­ic Maracana sta­di­um in Rio, or even par­ti­cip­ate in a game of beach soc­cer. Brazil is also a hub for adven­ture activ­it­ies, with options such as hik­ing, surf­ing, and paragliding.
  • Beaches: With its long coast­line, Brazil boasts some of the world’s most beau­ti­ful beaches. Vis­it­ors can relax on the golden sands of Ipan­ema or Copacabana in Rio, or explore the untouched beaches of Bahia and Fernando de Noronha. The trop­ic­al cli­mate also makes Brazil a year-round des­tin­a­tion, with warm tem­per­at­ures and plenty of sunshine.
  • Friendly people: Brazili­ans are known for their warm and friendly nature, mak­ing it easy for vis­it­ors to feel wel­come and at home in the country.

Over­all, Brazil offers a unique blend of nat­ur­al won­ders, cul­tur­al exper­i­ences, and adven­ture activ­it­ies, mak­ing it a must-vis­it des­tin­a­tion for good trav­el­lers. Wheth­er you’re look­ing to explore the Amazon rain­forest, exper­i­ence the vibrant cul­ture, or simply relax on a beau­ti­ful beach, Brazil has some­thing for everyone.

Immersed in the Amazon

June 16, 2021

Manati Lodge on the Rio Negro, Brazil. Pic (cc) Angelo Sciacca.

Exper­i­en­tial tour­ism allows people to act­ively and mean­ing­fully engage with a place’s his­tory, people, cul­ture, food, and envir­on­ment.  I recently jour­neyed to the Brazili­an Amazon and exper­i­enced three days immersed in the envir­on­ment and cul­ture with the help of Wel­ling­ton, my inter­pret­ive guide.  I hope this blog post inspires oth­ers to take sim­il­ar exper­i­en­tial jour­neys. I […]

Read More Immersed in the Amazon