My choice for a sustainable Singapore stopover

May 2, 2021

Two hornbills facing each other on the bough of a leafy green tropical tree,

Liv­ing in Australia/New Zea­l­and and hav­ing fam­ily in Ger­many means that I travel reg­u­larly to Europe. And that often takes me via Singa­pore. Now, if you have ever done long-haul travel with kids you will know that it is quite a chal­lenge to hop off one 12-hour flight, just to board anoth­er. So we typically […]

Read More My choice for a sustainable Singapore stopover

Voyages to Antarctica: Unique, life-changing, memorable

May 1, 2021

Voyages to Antarctica: Unique, life-changing, memorable by Thomas Bauer

Of all my travel exper­i­ences in 75 coun­tries, none have been unique, life-chan­­ging, and mem­or­able like my voy­ages to Ant­arc­tica. I got involved in Ant­arc­tic affairs in 1991 when I star­ted my PhD research into the impacts and long term future of com­mer­cial tour­ism to Ant­arc­tica at Mon­ash Uni­ver­sity. I spent three months at the […]

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