“GT” Travel World

Travel with “Good Tour­ism” (scroll down for posts). Learn about spe­cial places, people to meet, and things to do from tour­ism insiders keen to show­case our plan­et’s good, bet­ter, best.

There are count­less reas­ons why good travel is a reward­ing and enrich­ing exper­i­ence. Here are just a few:

  • Cul­tur­al expos­ure: Trav­el­ling provides the oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ence new cul­tures and ways of life, from tast­ing new foods to learn­ing about dif­fer­ent tra­di­tions and cus­toms. This can broaden your per­spect­ive and help you under­stand and appre­ci­ate the diversity of our world.
  • Per­son­al growth: Trav­el­ling can be a trans­form­at­ive exper­i­ence that helps you grow as a per­son. It can chal­lenge your com­fort zone, build resi­li­ence, and teach you new skills. It can also help you gain con­fid­ence and inde­pend­ence as you nav­ig­ate new envir­on­ments and situations.
  • Bond­ing with oth­ers: Trav­el­ling with friends or fam­ily can be a bond­ing exper­i­ence that strengthens rela­tion­ships and cre­ates last­ing memor­ies. It can also be a way to meet new people and make new friends from around the world.
  • Adven­ture and explor­a­tion: Trav­el­ling allows you to explore new places and try new activ­it­ies, from hik­ing to ski­ing to scuba diving. It can be an adven­ture-filled jour­ney that provides a sense of excite­ment and exhilaration.
  • Relax­a­tion and escape: Trav­el­ling can be a way to escape the stresses of every­day life and unwind in a new envir­on­ment. Wheth­er you’re loun­ging on a trop­ic­al beach or explor­ing a peace­ful moun­tain vil­lage, trav­el­ling can offer a sense of relax­a­tion and rejuvenation.
  • Learn­ing oppor­tun­it­ies: Trav­el­ling provides oppor­tun­it­ies for edu­ca­tion and learn­ing, from vis­it­ing his­tor­ic land­marks to attend­ing cul­tur­al events. It can be a way to expand your know­ledge and gain a deep­er under­stand­ing of the world.

Over­all, trav­el­ling offers a wide range of bene­fits, from per­son­al growth and cul­tur­al expos­ure to adven­ture and explor­a­tion. Wheth­er you’re trav­el­ling to a nearby des­tin­a­tion or embark­ing on a jour­ney around the world, the exper­i­ence of good travel is one that is sure to enrich your life in count­less ways.

Old stories, new memories in Valjevo, Serbia

May 26, 2021

A 3:2 crop of a panoramic image of Valjevo, Serbia featuring the Balkans' second largest Orthodox temple. Photo (c) Dimitrije Tanasković https://www.instagram.com/dimitrijetanaskovic/

“Why did­n’t you ever tell me that?” I shrieked. “Well, you nev­er asked,” my grandma replied. I am unsure wheth­er there was an echo of rep­rim­and or remorse. Maybe I ima­gined it. Still, the accom­pa­ny­ing smile hin­ted that she had been wait­ing for this moment. I loved both my grand­par­ents with all my heart. They […]

Read More Old stories, new memories in Valjevo, Serbia

Sierra Leone changed my life

May 19, 2021

Waterfront view Freetown, Sierra Leone. (c) Meghan L Muldoon

Sierra Leone changed my life. It was 2011. My friend Su was work­ing in Free­town. Christina, Heath­er, and I decided to vis­it her in Novem­ber of that year.  Novem­ber is the worst month to live in Van­couver. Being pretty broke at the time, we took a bus down to the air­port in Seattle — flights are cheap­er in the […]

Read More Sierra Leone changed my life

Off-peak Tanzania: Go for wildlife, go again for people

May 14, 2021

Datoga tribeswomen of Tanzania and the fourth bride

When you think of Tan­zania, massive ele­phants, beau­ti­ful lions, and migrat­ing herds of zebra and wilde­beest usu­ally come to mind. And with good reas­on. This coun­try has some of the most incred­ible wild­life on the plan­et. From the Ser­en­geti to the Ngoron­goro Crater, there are so many stun­ning land­scapes in which to wit­ness these impressive […]

Read More Off-peak Tanzania: Go for wildlife, go again for people

People make Glasgow

May 12, 2021

Glasgow street art. Image by Catherine Alard (CC0) via Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/tag-glasgow-street-art-2810648/

‘People Make Glas­gow’.  That’s the offi­cial slo­gan of the Glas­gow City Council’s tour­ism pro­mo­tion cam­paign.  And it’s true. While Glas­gow has the Vic­tori­an archi­tec­ture befit­ting the former ‘second city of the empire’, it doesn’t have the majest­ic visu­al beauty of Edin­burgh. (Damn that castle.) But what Glas­gow lacks in dra­mat­ic city­scapes, it more than makes up […]

Read More People make Glasgow

In love with a Himalayan homestay

May 8, 2021

Lagom Stay homestay, Jagatsukh village, Himachal Pradesh state, India

Tucked away across the gurg­ling Beas, away from the chaot­ic touristy caco­phony of Man­ali, lies the quaint vil­lage of Jag­at­sukh. One of the old­est vil­lages in the Kullu dis­trict of India’s Himach­al Pra­desh state, Jag­at­sukh is nestled in the lap of nature. It’s the per­fect get­away for the slow trav­el­ler. Himach­al Pra­desh is also called […]

Read More In love with a Himalayan homestay

Lapping Luang Namtha

May 3, 2021

Nam Tha River longboat cruise to Khone Kham along the Nam Ha National Protected Area

“Where are you tak­ing me this time?” I asked Som­savath at Luang Namtha’s air­port. The year … 2012. I’ve toured with Som­savath, who runs Phou Iu Travel, sev­er­al times. He is forever dig­ging deep­er into the moun­tains of Laos’ north­west­­ern-most province. His itin­er­ar­ies make “off the beaten track” look like Main Street. “We’re try­ing some­thing new.” […]

Read More Lapping Luang Namtha